Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Business Information Systems-DQ 5

DQ 5

Q Requirements: What do I post? Based on your new attained knowledge, repost again, now with additional requirements and then relate those requirements to their individual organization/ field. Additional Requirements: • Review the Case Studies: (links after this activity) o Case Study 11-1: ERP at John Hopkins o Case Study 11-2: CRM at Starbucks • Answer: What is it important to understand building EIS? o Post a narrative summary/answer (no more than 500 words) to this Discussion board ? This narrative is an expansion of your Open Discussion post • Respond to at least 2 other classmates. Remember: You should NOT copy and paste. You should summarize the cited definition- as a college student you don’t and should NOT need to directly quote but instead indirectly summarize what the definition is. As a College student, you should avoid using dictionary definitions.

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Decision making has a great effect on the performance of organizations. Executive Information System was designed to assist businesses to make efficient decisions. It does this by giving easy access to critical data for meeting their desired goals. Moreover, it comes bundled with a performance monitoring system and highlights the flaw in the data.